Future Projects
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Future Projects / Pending Approval
Priority order of projects as listed on our
While we work closely with the Ministry of Education, and they are aware of our priorities on our Capital Plan, the following projects are awaiting funding approval before proceeding to design and construction. Once funded, the projects move to the Current Projects page. These priorities include the need for additions, new schools, site acquisitions, school replacements and seismic mitigations.
Once a year, the board adopts a Five-Year Capital Plan. We created the list below as an ongoing, live document of our projects and planning, however, there may be subtle differences between the annual Capital Plan and the the Future Capital Projects / Pending Approval list below. Any differences in priorities are the result of emergent needs, likely the result of our rapid growth.
When a project receives funding approval from the Ministry of Education, it moves to the Current Projects page and is added to the Current Projects Progress Chart.
Future Capital Projects / Pending Ministry Approval
- Fraser Heights Secondary
- Grandview Heights Secondary
- North 宅男社区 Secondary
- Frank Hurt Secondary
- William Watson Elementary
- Walnut Road Elementary
- Hjorth Road Elementary
- Lena Shaw Elementary
- Woodland Park Elementary
- Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary
- Old Yale Road Elementary
- Martha Currie Elementary
- Latimer Road Elementary
- Earl Marriott Secondary
- Semiahmoo Secondary
- Adams Road Elementary
- Peace Arch Elementary
New Schools
- Darts Hill Elementary
- New East Newton Secondary
- 2nd Grandview Heights Secondary
- Anniedale/Tynehead West Elementary
- Clayton Elementary
- Redwood Heights Elementary
- Grandview Heights Elementary
- Pacific/Sunnyside Heights Area Elementary
- South Port Kells Area Elementary
- Abbey Ridge Area Elementary
Site Acquisitions
- Replacement Grandview Heights Elementary
- Anniedale/Tynehead West Elementary
- Hjorth Road Elementary (new site)
- East Newton Secondary
- 2nd Grandview Secondary
- Fleetwood Area Elementary (1)
- Fleetwood Area Elementary (2)
- Clayton Elementary
- Pacific/Sunnyside Heights Area Elementary
- Fleetwood Area Secondary
- Fleetwood Area Elementary (3)
- Fleetwood Area Elementary (4)
- South Port Kells Area Secondary
- Abbey Ridge Area Elementary
School Replacements
- Mountainview Montessori (#050)
- Ecole Riverdale Elementary (#059)
- Port Kells Elementary (#002)
Seismic Mitigations
- David Brankin Elementary (#058)
Capital Plan
New projects are first identified in the school district's annual Capital Plan submission to the Ministry of Education. Projects are categorized by different project types such as Expansions (that adds new enrolling space), Replacements (replacing old existing buildings with a new school) and Seismic Mitigation (seismically upgrading existing H3 buildings).
As part of the Capital Plan submission to the Ministry of Education, the district prepares a Project Request Fact Sheet that outlines to the ministry at a very high level the rationale for the project, and a proposed project schedule and budget. After the ministry reviews the fact sheets, they can approve or support partial funding for the district to prepare a detailed Project Definition Report (PDR).
Open House
Typically, plans for new schools are presented to the public in an open house format. This is an opportunity for the community to ask questions and make comments on the future design of the new school. Valuable feedback from parents and the community is gathered to inform the district planning and construction staff about design considerations. Open houses can involve the architects, district staff and city staff, in order to help field any questions from the public.
Project Approval: Capital Project Funding Agreement
Once the province's Treasury Board approves the submitted PDR, the province issues a Capital Plan Funding Agreement (CPFA). This is the formal funding agreement between the ministry and a school district. At this point the project can move into the design and construction stages.