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City Central & Guildford Learning Centre Cohort Amalgamation


Note: the consultation period has been extended to June 10, 2024. See Updated Letter below.


The district is gathering feedback on the proposed City Centre Learning Centre and Guildford Learning Centre cohort amalgamation now through June 10, 2024. There are several ways to provide your feedback, including an online survey, paper feedback form and traditional mail.

  • Online Survey ()
  • Paper Feedback Form (see the office at City Centre Learning Centre to fill out and return the form)
  • Traditional Mail:
    CCLC Cohort Consultation
    Attn: Planning and Demographics Department
    School District No. 36 (宅男社区)
    14033 92nd Ave., 宅男社区, B.C., V3V 0B7

Updated Letters

June 13, 2024

Dear families,

We want to update you following recent discussions and consultations regarding changes involving your school communities.

Thank you to parents, students and staff who took the time to attend meetings and provide feedback – your voices are important and your input valuable.

As you know, several options were being considered involving Guildford Learning Centre, North 宅男社区 Learning Centre, Central City Learning Centre and Queen Elizabeth Secondary to manage student enrolment pressures in our district, as well significant lease cost increases at the GLC site.

At the June 12 宅男社区 Board of Education meeting, trustees passed the following motion:

  1. That Guildford Learning Centre amalgamate with the North 宅男社区 Learning Centre, effective December 1st, 2024;
  2. That City Centre Learning Centre site become an elementary school, effective July 1st, 2025;
  3. That the superintendent or designate report back to the board before March 1st , 2025, on either moving the City Central Learning Centre to the modular complex at Queen Elizabeth Secondary, or amalgamating the City Central Learning Centre with the North 宅男社区 Learning Centre.

Over the coming months, we will be sharing more information with students and families to ensure these transitions are as smooth as possible. We look forward to continuing to offer the supports and services at our Learning Centres so students can thrive and reach their personal and educational goals. If you or your child have any questions, please don’t hesitate contact your school administration.

Thank you,


May 22, 2024

Dear families,

We are writing to inform you that we are extending a consultation process we began last month to consider additional options to manage ongoing student enrolment pressures in our rapidly growing school district.

In April we engaged school communities at City Central Learning Centre and North 宅男社区 Learning Centre with a proposal of amalgamating the cohort of students at CCLC with the NSLC to better use available capacity at NSLC and utilize the existing CCLC site to re-establish an elementary school. This proposal would take effect in fall 2025 and help to reduce overcrowding at nearby École K.B. Woodward, Forsyth Road and Old Yale Road elementary schools. Parents, caregivers, students and staff were invited last month to participate in in-person forums as well as submit online feedback.

As well as this initial proposal, the district is now considering additional options, which include:

  1. Amalgamating students at the Guildford Learning Centre with the North 宅男社区 Learning Centre. This option would make better use of available space at NSLC, as well as allow the district to redirect significant leasing costs associated with the GLC site. This proposal would take effect in November 2024;
  2. Relocating the cohort of students at City Central Learning Centre to the modular complex at Queen Elizabeth Secondary. This option would repurpose existing space at the QE site and allow for the re-establishment of an elementary school at the CCLC site, helping reduce overcrowding at nearby elementary schools. This proposal would take effect in fall 2025.

As parents and caregivers in the City Central Learning Centre, Guildford Learning Centre, North 宅男社区 Learning Centre and Queen Elizabeth Secondary communities, the district is inviting your input and feedback. We will be coordinating a consultation process in May and June so you can provide your feedback and suggestions.

Please watch for further information in the coming days.

In addition, an evening forum will be held for the various school communities to share input about the potential options. Time and location of the consultation forum will be included in the information package that will be sent home.

The consultation period begins today and concludes June 10. Community contributions and comments will be summarized by staff in a report to the superintendent, which will be presented to the 宅男社区 Board of Education on June 12, 2024. We encourage you to share your input and suggestions during the consultation process.


April 15, 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As you are aware, 宅男社区 continues to face mounting enrolment pressures throughout the district as rapid development and accelerated growth brings thousands of students to 宅男社区 and White Rock every year.

The City Centre community is one area that is feeling the effects of these pressures, and as a result, the district is faced with tough decisions to manage enrolment in neighbourhood schools.

The district is proposing amalgamating the cohort of students from the City Central Learning Centre with the North 宅男社区 Learning Centre, to make better use of the available capacity at NSLC and use the existing space at the CCLC to re-establish an elementary school with its own neighbourhood catchment area. This proposal would take effect at the start of the 2025-26 school year and would help to reduce overcrowding issues at nearby École K.B. Woodward, Forsyth Road and Old Yale Road elementary schools.

As parents and guardians of the City Centre Learning Centre community, the district is inviting your input and feedback on the amalgamation of the CCLC and NSLC student cohorts. The district is coordinating a consultation process in April and May so you can easily contribute your views and suggestions.

In addition, an evening forum will be held Wednesday, April 24 from 5 to 7 p.m. at City Centre Learning Centre for the school community to share their feedback and ideas about the potential cohort amalgamation.

The consultation period begins today and concludes May 15. Community contributions and comments will be summarized by staff in a report to the superintendent, which will be presented to the 宅男社区 Board of Education on June 12, 2024. Please feel free to share your input and suggestions during the consultation process.

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